CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is a popular fictional drama series, launched in 2000. It follows a group of crime scene analysts in Las Vegas. Since its premier, there have been a couple spin-offs, including CSI: Miami and CSI: New York. It has also inspired many other investigative police/crime scene shows. Though sometimes criticized for being unrealistic, it portrays a few different possibilities for careers in Chemistry.
Click this link for a CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Virtual Lab Tour
(WARNING: Some of the images are graphic)
Next, click this link to view an article about "debunked myths perpetuated by such popular crime shows"
After watching the video and viewing the article, please think about the following questions:
- Do you think crime scene investigative work is a viable career option for someone interested in Chemistry?
- After watching shows like CSI, do you think some students might be let down with the actual day-to-day procedures of a career in this field?
- Are the widespread criticisms of this show by police and district attorneys justified? Why or why not?
Please post a comment answering any or all of these questions.
I think crime scene investigation would still be a really interesting career for someone who likes science. I think students might be let down because T.V. makes the job look so glamorous and interesting. I still think the day to day procedures is still fulfilling though. A chemist that worked in our local crime lab came to talk with us in a forensics class I took in high school. She talked about how the job was really different from T.V. but she also shared some really cool experiences she has had. I think criticisms are justified. I think in a way the show makes police work seem quick and convenient. The public may not realize how hard the scientist work and analysis is such a process. This is an awesome blog that students can really consider their future. Listing chemistry related jobs could really inspire students to explore different careers in any content area.
ReplyDeleteStudents really love anything forensic related. I did a lesson on the real science behind some of the things they see on tv and it was one of the most popular lessons I did with them. Specifically we focused on DNA finger printing and gel electrophoresis. I had students examine dna from multiple suspects and determine who the real murdered was. Even though I am sure it was not as riveting as the stuff on CSI, students really did seem to enjoy it and asked me a million questions about what they should study in college if they wanted to do more of this kind of stuff.